Tuesday 17 September 2013

Change of direction ... or not?

I've never really used this blog. When I started out I thought I'd post the occasional whimsy. But the whimsies have been far less than occasional.

I'm wondering whether to change direction entirely. As a very, very few of you know I used to have a very lively blog that detailed all sorts of things ... anonymously. For a while it was one of the most followed blogs of its type. Which is one reason it had to be shut down!

I miss that blog. I misss the liveliness as well.  Life now is quieter. 

My children tell me that not only have I slowed down, but that I've also become angrier, less tolerant with the world in general (and the BT help line in particular). I think that's true. I'm less inclined to suffer fools. Why should I?

So, maybe I shoudl use this blog to tell you what I'm really thinking. It's not always fun. Right now I'm struggling with what to do with an aging parent that has early stage Alzheimer's. It worries me enourmously because I know tha tthe decisions will be mine. There are no "right" decisions when dealing with a relative with ALzheimer's, but some decisions are more wrong than others.

I'm also going to great lengths to ignore my own problems.

Most people see me as a very happy person with no worries. I (almost) have enough to retire, I have 3 great children and a wife that loves me unreservedly. Not bad, eh? 

But, but, there will always be a but. I have body problems that scare me because I don't know what is causing them. The fingers of one hand have become numb and that arm is constantly troubled by intense pins and needles. I know what it could be, so I'm doing what I've always done whe faced with medical issues - ignore it.

Do you really want to read about a miserable old git offloading to a blog the things he doesn't want to share with family & friends? I doubt it